

Hi! Here Mich but also can call me Michell or Matías

17 Y.O He/They c:

I'm argentinian which means my first language is spanish

Selfshipper! And a bit of an artist(?




✧ I usually swear a lot and make slightly sexual jokes, let me know if it makes you uncomfortable

✧ I'm terrible with social interactions, I'll hardly comment on posts if we've barely met each other

✧ It can be difficult for me to understand things and I would need an explanation, the same with slangs from other countries [also use tone indicators pls!]

✧ I tend to switch words between Spanish and English solo pq me sale de los webos



BYI [REALLY IMPORTANT] [[not really]]




Basic criteria [Racists, LGBTQ phobics, xenophobes, sexists] Zionists, Pro-life, Support AI, weird pro-shippers, anti-selfshippers, make fun of age-regressors pet-regressors, hates furrys or therians

Uuhhh... ig that's all




★Simon "Ghost" Riley [!OG !Reboot both] (CoD MW)

★Cato (Red Phone)

★Shane (Stardew Valley)

★Cashier (GASA4:SC)

⁠✧Brahms Heelshire (The Boy)

⁠✧Emily (Stardew Valley)

⁠✧John Doe (John Doe Game/House Hunted)

⁠✧Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)

⁠✧Koneko (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls)⁠

✧Sebastian (Stardew Valley)

Share all! :3c

My Baby here on Earth show me what my heart was worth...


{Me gustan bastante pero tampoco como para querer comerme sus intestinos}


{Estoy completa y llanamente obsesionado con estos}